Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Home Again, Home Again

As some of you may have deduced, I have returned stateside. It's a bittersweet occasion I must say. I will catch you up on my journey home, but first a flashback to my last week in Budapest.

My last week could not have been more perfect. I'm so thankful my best friend Bri was able to visit, even if I was a grumpy cat at the thought of leaving. She dealt with me well (which is not always an easy task let me tell you).

The last day in Budapest was picture perfect. The skies were clear and blue, and the weather was chilly but not so cold that you couldn't enjoy being outside. Mother Nature was in my favor. Maybe she knew how sad I was to be leaving and gave me the perfect day as a send off. Bri and I spent the day taking in the most breathtaking views of the city from St. Stephen's Basilica and Gellert Hill. Here are some pics I got--ones that I will cherish for the rest of my life:

So before I knew it, I was packing up four months of my life (not an easy task, physically and mentally speaking) and I was headed back home. It was a long journey. A one and a half plane ride to Munich, a 8 and a half plane ride to Boston, and a 5 hour car ride back home to Bangor. Towards the end of my 8 hour flight, I began to get a bit antsy. I missed my parents, and couldn't wait to see them. Now unfortunately it wasn't as easy as hoping off the plane and seeing them. US Customs stood in the way of me and my parents whom I hadn't seen in four months. It took over an hour to go through all the protocols for returning into the States. Don't get me wrong, those protocols exist for good reason but I was ready to see my favorite people. After what seemed like forever, I finally made it through. There was a huge crowd outside of US Customs, and I was searching everywhere for my people. As my eyes frantically scanned the crowd, I heard my parents shouting my name. I finally saw them and ran, and gave them the most crushing hug they've ever received. I missed them so much! Four months is a long time, especially for someone who is as close to her family and friends as I am. Although I hated leaving Budapest, it warmed my heart knowing I had people who love me to return home to. 

Here's a picture of my Mom and I when we were finally reunited (she happens to be my best friend in case you haven't been able to figure that out). Forgive my face...hours of traveling did me in. But I did get to see my parents, who were waiting with flowers and coffee in hand. (Side note, I enjoyed that coffee so much I cried a bit. I missed by cheap, crappy American coffee). 

Well there you have it. The best four months of my life have come to an end. And they truly were the best four months of my life. I left everything I had known for an unpredictable adventure, and what an adventure it was! I travelled to Hungary, Croatia, France, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Austria (in that order!). 

Now I've only been home a few days, but I can already tell these past four months have changed me. I can't quite explain how, but I feel different. The same, yet different too. It's a weird feeling, one that not many people are fortunate enough to experience. If this trip taught me anything, it taught me that I am extremely fortunate. Don't get me wrong, I worked my ass off to get where I am today. But I'm fortunate enough that with that hardwork and a bit of luck (not to mention enormous support from my favorite people), I am where I am today. 

So thank you to all of those who have stuck with me during my journey. Thank you to the 11 other UNH students that were able to share this adventure with me. I'm not the easiest person to put up with, but they did it anyway. They were all amazing travel partners. I am fortunate enough to call them not only my friends, but my family. A huge thanks to my parents,  my sister for all intensive purposes, Alyssa, and my best friend Bri who constantly puts up with my craziness and loves me anyway. A huge thank you to the rest of my friends who have supported me and given me their undying loyalty and friendship. You know who you are. 

I'm not what you call a sappy person. In fact the people who know me best are going to read this and think, "Taylor...having feelings?" Well I can have feelings once in a while, and right now I am feeling nothing but gratitude for this amazing experience. Yes, Budapest has changed me and I will obnoxiously talk about the last four months for the rest of my life. But I'm happy to be home, and happy to be reunited with my favorite people. 

Thank you for those who have stuck with me and have kept up on my travels. It means more to me than you'll know. 

Merry Christmas everyone (or whatever holiday you happen to celebrate!). 

Xoxo, Taylor. 

PS. If I can offer any of my readers one piece of advice, it would be to travel. Travel wide, travel alone, and travel often. You'll find out what you're truly capable of, and it will make you see the world in a whole different way. Do it. You won't regret it. I most certainly don't. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Faulty Facetime

Because I'm so far away, I can't just pick up the phone and call my parents when I want to. So we have been making do with facetime and facebook messaging. However, sometimes there are issues. For instance the connection isn't always good and makes for some struggles...especially for the parents. Sorry Andy, had to share this photo.

Bri Takes Budapest

Guys, my best friend finally made it! She flew all the way from Durham, New Hampshire to come visit. Naturally we have been busy bees taking in the sights of Budapest during my final week. Here are some pictures I have taken thus far on our adventures!

Our first destination when she reached Budapest was the castle district. The castle district sits up higher than the rest of the city, and there are some amazing views. I'm really going to miss this place. I mean just look at that view!!

We also climbed up Gellert Hill, and we were more winded than either of us would like to admit. But we made it, and the view was beyond worth it. Unfortunately it was rather foggy but it was beautiful all the same. 

My friend Bri: 

Gotta love a good black and white photo:

We also took a trip back to the castle district at night to see the Danube all lit up. Such a beautiful place. It still manages to take my breath away after all these months <3

Alas I have more pictures but it's quite the process to edit them all. Stay tuned for more updates on our adventures! 

PS. 2 full days left in Budapest. Commence panic. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Here's What's Going on in My Neck of the Woods

Hi all! It's official...I have 10 days left in Budapest. 10. THAT'S A 1 FOLLOWED BY A 0 TO EQUAL THE NUMBER 10. Sorry, I am in pure denial in case you couldn't tell. Unfortunately I have been working my butt off trying to finish the papers, projects, and finals I have to do before Thursday. But then on Saturday my best friend comes to visit, and you will be sure we will be doing lots of fun things in Budapest. Stay tuned next week for my final days in Budapest! I will be sure to put them up on my blog and tell you all about them.

Xoxo, Taylor.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Because I like to Procrastinate

As previously mentioned, I have a lot of school work to do. So naturally I would like to procrastinate just a little longer by showing you all the places I have been to!

The United States (naturally)
Sweden (2011)
Czech Republic
United Kingdom

I have crossed a lot off the list in my short lifetime, but as you can see I have a lot to go! Now praying I can win the lottery. (Not wishing for a rich husband because I am a feminist, and as my mother taught me, do not rely upon any man for money). 

Ps. If you click on the picture you can see a larger version of it. 

The Last Trip

My final trip for the semester: complete. It's a bittersweet occasion. When I look back at all the places I've been, it's truly remarkable. Hungary, Croatia, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, England, and now Austria. Crazy, isn't it? Yet there are so many more places I want to go, and unfortunately my days in Europe are numbered (for now, you can bet I will be back). I'm glad I got to spend the day in Vienna, a short 2 hour bus ride away. 

Vienna is home to some of the world's largest Christmas Markets. Although I am not big on Christmas (my friends like to compare me to the Grinch), I went along for the ride. I always love an excuse to go to a new place anyways. We had a great day walking around Vienna and enjoying the Christmas Markets, but it was cold. I couldn't feel my toes for most of the day. Almost lost them. 

We were only there for the day, so we didn't get to see much. In general we shopped around the Markets and enjoyed some delicious food (Goulash in a bread bowl--delicious). I wish I could have seen more of Vienna, but my cash is dwindling and I did not want to pay to stay for a weekend. Don't worry Vienna, I'll add you to my travel list because I really did not get to see much of the city. But what I did see was beautiful, and the city reminded me of Budapest. Which makes sense as to those who know about the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But if you don't I won't bore you with a history lesson. 

Here are some pics I took from the day. Not many but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.

St. Stephen's Cathedral. Unfortunately they were doing construction on the building and I could not get a full picture, but it was a beautiful building to see. 

Me and my boot cup! They were selling cider and wine all over the place because like I said, it was cold. I got some cider and they let me keep the cup (well, I paid to keep the cup). It's shaped like a boot!!! As you can see, I thoroughly enjoy my boot cup. 

Here are a few pics from the Christmas Markets! 

Yum chocolate. And yes, they were as delicious as they look. 

And there you have it, friends! It was a great day at the Christmas Markets and I'm glad I can add Vienna to my list of places traveled, but like I said before I would like to go back one day and see more of the city and more of Austria. All in all it was a good last trip! 

xoxo, Taylor. 

Friday, November 28, 2014


I officially have less than a month left in Budapest. Excuse me while I sob in a corner. The semester has gone by so fast and I never want it to end. Don't get me wrong, I miss my family and friends. But I could also see myself living the rest of my life here, happily. Alas that is not in the cards for me at this moment in time. I will be returning home December 18th (my visa expires that day).

Before then I have three papers, a project, and a final to complete. Joys. But after classes end on the 10th, my best friend Bri will be visiting me from the 13th until I leave Budapest. I can't wait until she comes so I can see her and show her around Budapest.

Thank you all (by all I mean the five people that probably read this) for supporting me through my stay in Budapest and my travels Beyond. It's truly been the trip of a lifetime that I will talk about until I die, which will probably annoy all around me. But you know what? That's okay. I worked hard to get here, and I believe I deserve the right to shamelessly discuss that one time I lived in Europe for four months. Sorry if that annoys you (but I'm not all that sorry). Thanks to those who continue to support me and stick with my banters. See you soon!

Fall Pics

As an added bonus, here are some fall pics I took in Budapest. They are random and not that exciting, but I enjoy them nonetheless. Maybe you will too. If not, carry on to the next post. There are zoo animals in that one.

Flashback Friday

Hi all! In the spirit of this lovely Friday, I decided to prepare some photos from my trip to the Zoo earlier this month. Because of all my traveling and activities (and uh...studying), it's hard to keep up with all the photos. So here are some pics I snagged at the zoo. Who doesn't love a trip to the zoo??